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Beta Hydroxybutyrate (goBHB) and Brain Function: A Review of the Benefits on Cognition, Memory, Focus, and Brain Reaction Time

The World’s Most Powerful Science Backed Ingredient.

The brain is a complex organ that controls various bodily functions and is responsible for many cognitive processes such as memory, focus, and reaction time. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a ketone body (we call the 4th macronutrient) endogenously produced by the liver during periods of fasting or carbohydrate restriction. In recent years, exogenous BHB under the goBHB brand has gained attention for its benefits on cognitive function, memory, focus, and brain reaction time. The purpose of this paper is to explore how BHB interacts with the brain and the potential benefits it may have on brain function.


BHB is technically a macronutrient, which means it contains real cellular energy. This is in contrast to so called nootropics, like caffeine, citicoline, alpha GPC, etc. that are micronutrients only delivering neurostimulation. BHB is highly permeable and passes effortlessly through the blood brain barrier. Once ingested, BHB is transported to the brain, where it can be directly used as a cellular fuel source. BHB is more ATP rich and is a more efficient fuel source for the brain than glucose. BHB can produce more energy per unit of oxygen consumed. This high energy profile of BHB leads to improved neuronal function, neurons require large amounts of macronutrient energy to function properly. Neurons are the primary cells that make up the central nervous system, which includes the brain and the spinal cord. Neurons are responsible for transmitting information throughout the nervous system, and they are specialized cells that have unique structures and functions. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) has been shown to have several beneficial effects on neuronal functionality, including:

• Improved cellular energy metabolism: BHB is the most efficient macronutrient fuel source for the brain, it may lead to improved neuronal function as neurons require large amounts of macronutrient energy to function properly.

• Enhanced neuroprotection: BHB has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, through the reduction in the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) thus protecting neurons from damage and improving their function. This is in stark contrast to glucose metabolism that produces multiple times the reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause oxidative stress and damage to cells. BHB, on the other hand, has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in the brain by increasing the production of antioxidant enzymes and reducing the production of ROS.

Several studies have investigated the potential neuroprotective effects of BHB in adolescent and adult humans for brain injury. For example, a study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience shows that BHB improved cognitive repair and behavioural outcomes in adolescent males with traumatic brain injury , and another study published in the journal Frontiers of Nutrition shows how BHB supplementation can prevent further damage post-concussion, improve cognitive and motor performance amongst patients with neurogenerative diseases.

• BDNF Growth: BHB has been shown to stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promotes the growth and survival of neurons.

• BHB exhibits unique neuroprotective properties, enhancing neuronal health and cognitive function. BHB also plays a crucial signaling role in impacting gene expression and cellular processes related to inflammation, oxidative stress, and lifespan.

• BHB can help to improve brain function by increasing the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is a protein that helps to protect nerve cells and promote the growth of new nerve cells.

• Increased synaptic plasticity: BHB has been shown to increase synaptic plasticity, which is the ability of neurons to change their connections in response to what they are experiencing. This may lead to improved learning and memory.

• Altered gene expression: BHB has been shown to alter gene expression in neurons, leading to changes in the production of proteins involved in neuronal function. BHB has been shown to increase the expression of genes involved in the production of mitochondria, which are the energy-producing organelles in cells. Outside of just focusing on improving neuronal functionality, BHB studies have suggested that BHB may highly affect several key regions of the brain, including:

• The hippocampus: The hippocampus is a region of the brain that is involved in memory consolidation and retrieval. Studies have shown that BHB may improve memory consolidation and retrieval, suggesting that the hippocampus may be one of the regions affected by BHB.

• The prefrontal cortex: The prefrontal cortex is a region of the brain that is involved in higher-order cognitive processes such as decision making, planning, and working memory. Studies have suggested that BHB may improve cognitive function, which may be related to its effects on the prefrontal cortex.

• The striatum: The striatum is a region of the brain that is involved in motor control and learning. Studies have shown that BHB may improve motor performance, which may be related to its effects on the striatum.

• The thalamus: The thalamus is a region of the brain that is involved in relaying sensory information to other parts of the brain. Studies have suggested that BHB may improve sensory processing, which may be related to its effects on the thalamus.


• Cognitive function: Several studies have suggested that BHB may have a positive effect on cognitive function. A study published in The Journal of Physiology found that BHB supplementation improved cerebral blood flow, BDNF production and cognitive function in young obese adults. Another study published in the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Journal found that BHB supplementation improved cognition amongst elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment improved cognitive function. These studies suggest that BHB may be beneficial for improving cognitive function in individuals of all ages.

• Memory: BHB has been shown to have a positive effect on memory. A study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that elevating BHB levels improved memory consolidation in adults. A further study in the journal for Experimental Physiology shows that ingesting ketones once a day for 14 days demonstrated notable improvements in cognition, mood and memory amongst adults. These studies suggest that BHB may be beneficial for improving memory consolidation and retrieval.

• Focus: BHB has been suggested to improve focus. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that BHB supplementation improved cognitive performance and reaction time in runners. This suggests that BHB may be beneficial for improving focus.

• Brain reaction time: BHB has been shown to improve brain reaction time. A study on soccer players in the Nutrients journal demonstrates that BHB supplementation delayed mental fatigue and improved reaction time after exertion. This suggests that BHB may be beneficial for improving brain reaction time. Another study named Blind Comparison of Two Different Compositions of Exogenous Ketones and Their Impact on Anxiety, Weight, Lean Muscle Mass and Cognitive Function showed a 9.9% increase in brain reaction time.


BHB is a more efficient fuel source for the brain than glucose, which may lead to improved brain function. By increasing brain energy production, BHB may improve cognitive function, memory, focus, and brain reaction time. Here is why BHB is such an efficient metabolic energy source:

• BHB is a reduced macronutrient molecule: BHB is a more reduced molecule than glucose, which means it has more available electrons to donate during energy production. This leads to a higher yield of ATP per molecule of BHB than glucose. BHB is not to be confused with micronutrients like nootropics. There is some evidence to suggest that BHB may have greater potential to affect long-term cognitive function compared to nootropics.

BHB has been shown to have potential benefits for brain health and cognitive function, including improved memory, learning, and attention. BHB has also been shown to increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that promotes the growth and survival of neurons and is essential for long-term cognitive function.

In contrast, the long-term effects of many nootropics are not well studied, and their potential to affect long-term cognitive function is not well understood. While some nootropics may have potential benefits for cognitive function, they may also have potential risks and side effects, and their long-term effects are not well understood.

• Fewer steps: BHB can be converted into ATP with fewer steps than glucose, which allows for more efficient energy production. BHB is converted into acetyl-CoA, which enters the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle to produce ATP. Glucose, on the other hand, must go through several steps of glycolysis before it can enter the TCA cycle.

• Oxygen-independent: BHB can be converted into ATP in a process called ketolysis, which does not require oxygen. This means that BHB can be used as an energy source even in low oxygen environments, such as during intense exercise or in certain disease states. • Less waste: BHB produces less waste, such as lactate, than glucose during energy production. This means that BHB can produce energy with less metabolic stress on the body.

BHB may promote the production of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are involved in regulating mood and focus and may improve brain function when their levels are increased.


BHB is the brains preferred fuel. It perfectly interacts with the brain by increasing brain energy production, enhancing neuroprotection, and promoting the production of certain neurotransmitters. BHB has proven benefits for cognitive function, memory, focus, and brain reaction time. While current research continues to discover more and more benefits of BHB in the brain, it is clear that BHB is one of the most fundamental ingredients for improving overall brain function. It is truly the world’s most powerful science backed ingredient.


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